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LockChain creates tamper-proof QR codes to protect your identity and data. Each QR code is unique and cannot be altered, ensuring your content stays secure and trustworthy.

What is LockChain?

How is this different from other QR codes?

Regular QR codes can be easily replaced by scammers, leading to misuse of your content. LockChain's QR codes are tamper-proof and secure, linked to your unique digital identity. This ensures that your QR codes cannot be altered, keeping your identity, content and audience safe from malicious actors.

Why do I need it?

Protect your digital presence and content from tampering and misuse with LockChain's secure QR codes, ensuring trust and peace of mind for your audience.

Screen Recording of LockChain's Entrance Fragment - Secure User Onboarding

How does it work?

Your identity is secured by creating a unique code when you confirm your identity on your phone. This code is unique to you and your QR code. This code can then be verified anywhere, anytime, ensuring your identity remains protected and trusted.

Blockchain Background with Blocks - Secure Digital Transactions and Identity Verification


You can also create a secure digital fingerprint of your file and upload it to our system. Then anyone can verify the file at any time against this fingerprint to ensure it hasn't been tampered with or modified in any way.

Digital Nomad Working on Laptop with Phone - Secure Remote Work Solutions with LockChain
Digital Nomad Working on Laptop with Phone - Secure Remote Work Solutions with LockChain

Embrace Your Authentic Digital Presence

Discover endless possibilities with LockChain's immutable identity verification. Whether you're a content creator, influencer, digital nomad, public figure, a business leader, or simply safeguarding your personal communications, our platform offers the assurance of authentic digital signatures across all content. Embrace the power of trust with LockChain – where every action you take, from signing a document to posting a tweet, carries the weight of your indisputable digital presence. With LockChain, step into a future where your digital identity is unquestionably yours. 

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